Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Irrigation Update 6/29/22


The Leak on 700 South has been repaired and the water is back on for that area. There is still a section of the Irrigation System that the water is off due to the leak on 520 South, and will get that repaired as soon as possible to get the water back on.


Thank you for your patience

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Irrigation Water


Unfortunately we have had a few leaks today and the water has been shut off in many areas. The leaks will be fixed and water turned back on as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


The areas that have been shut off:          

  • All connections East of Main Street
  • Between 100 and 200 West from 520 South to 600 North
  • Leak on 700 South that affects most shareholders West of Main Street


Thank you.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Spring Water Date and Restrictions

Settlement Canyon Irrigation Board of Directors has made the difficult but necessary decision to turn on the water SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2022 under the following watering restrictions listed below. The decision is not easy and is due to the extreme drought we are in and the low level of water in the reservoir. Governor Cox has even declared a drought in the State of Utah. We ask for your help to be wise and conserve water to extend the watering season as long as possible.

The following restrictions are the zones,

days and times by which shareholders

must abide or face service disruption for

the remainder of the season:


Weekend watering restrictions will remain

in place. Shareholders are NOT ALLOWED to

water from Friday 8 pm to Monday 7 am. The water will be turned on Saturday, MAY 7 and watering over this weekend only will be allowed to get the system charged and shareholders can get their systems ready.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Annual Shareholder Meeting


Settlement Canyon Irrigation Shareholders


You are hereby notified that the Annual Shareholders' Meeting will be held

Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium

at the Tooele County Courthouse for the following purposes:

1.      Approval of Minutes and Financial Report

2.      Elect one three-year Board Member*

3.      President's report

4.      Other business


*Any votes of water shares done by proxy must have permission

in writing to our office 48 hours before the meeting*

Settlement Canyon Reservoir 1/20/2025

  Dear Shareholders, We want to let you know that Settlement Canyon Reservoir is now closed to the public. This wasn't an easy decision,...