Thursday, June 29, 2023

6/29/2023 Irrigation Update




The water is no longer going over the spillway. There continues to be a steady flow of runoff to fill the reservoir. We ask shareholders to be water wise and use resourcefully the water we have been given.


The Board will monitor the usage and level of the reservoir, then make decisions about meter allotment and if/when restrictions are needed.


Here is a helpful guide to watering your lawn.



Thank you.

Settlement Canyon Irrigation



Kristin West

Settlement Canyon Irrigation

(435) 833-9606

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Irrigation Update




Here is an update on Settlement Canyon Irrigation Company and the Reservoir.


The reservoir is still going over the spillway. There continues to be a steady flow going down the canyon in the creek from the grate by the yellow gate.





  • We are currently not under any water restrictions. We ask you to be water wise and use resourcefully to help manage the water we have been given. The allotment for meters has not been determined for this season. The Board will monitor the levels and make decisions about the allotment for meters when the runoff has slowed down more.  Those shareholders with meters will be informed with that information when the decision is made.
  • The water flowing over the spillway is in the flood pipe and it flows out past 900 West then to the overflow area down off 700 South.
  • If you notice a leak in your area or have a water Emergency, please contact David Lee at (435) 841-9522


  • The Board continues to work with Tooele City and Tooele County to do flood mitigation. The City and County have worked hard to clear out the flood channels to minimize flooding.


  • We have applied for and been granted an ARPA grant from the State of Utah to help with Meter Installation. We have been working hard to complete the Water Conservation Plan and have turned that in to the State. We are waiting for further information and what is needed to continue moving forward.


  • The Irrigation Company continues with the installation of water meters. The Utah State Government has issued a bill requiring all secondary watering systems to be metered by 2030. Our contracted plumber, LeGrand Jensen Construction/Weston Jensen is working to install these meters. The installation began in 2020 at 500 South and 50 West and continued North on 50 West. We have approximately 155 meters installed.
  • At the Annual Shareholder Meeting in 2020, a motion was made to charge each shareholder $1700 per connection for those meters already installed and to move forward with the installation of more meters. The average cost will need to be reflective of the increase in parts, supplies and labor. You will be notified when the meter is to be installed on your connection. An invoice will be sent when the meter is installed and payment will be due. Payment arrangements can be made by contacting the office.


Monday, May 1, 2023

April 2023 Newsletter


settlement canyon irrigation company


- Follow Settlement Canyon Irrigation on Facebook for updates


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April 2023


·         The current level of the reservoir is 31.9 Feet. The reservoir spills at 60.5 feet so there is approximately 28.6 feet to fill.  Currently various springs are filling up the reservoir, and it continues to rise as the weather gets warmer.

·         The Board is working with Tooele County Emergency Management, Tooele City and the State for Flood Mitigation to help prepare for possible flooding.

·         A farmers committee has been formed to look into options of how best to meter the farmers. They met with Grantsville Irrigation and are trying to make changes to benefit farmers and residential shareholders, to make it fair for everyone. The Board has met with the Committee and more information will be coming.

·          The Board is currently working with the State Department of Drinking Water to get various requirements in place for the Green Tunnel Spring, so, if possible, we can sell excess water to Tooele City.

·         The Board is working with the Division of Water Resources regarding the APRA Grant Funding that was applied for to help pay for the Meters. The Board has been busy getting the Water Conservation Plan prepared to move forward with the Grant Process.

·         Jeff Wyatt was elected to a 3 year term as a member of the Board of Directors in the Annual Shareholder Meeting held March 7, 2023.

·         The Board asks that even though we have received a great amount of snow, please be water-wise in your usage. If you see a leak in your area, please contact the office or our watermaster, David Lee (435) 841-9522. If you know of a property using water that does not have shares, please contact the office.

Please make sure your contact information is correct on your account. You can contact the office at (435) 833-9606 and


Mailing Address: Settlement Canyon Irrigation Company

P.O. Box 962

Tooele, UT 84074


Making the most of this snowpack (

This year’s record-setting snowpack is providing some much-needed relief for Utah’s water supply. But since we don’t know when another wet year like this will come along, and most of the state remains in drought, we need to unite and focus on reducing water use so we have enough in the future. By continuing to conserve — and finding new ways to stretch the supply — we’ll become more drought resilient as a state.

In Utah, we get approximately 95% of our water from snowpack. Reservoir storage is dependent upon snowpack and runoff to get us through dry years. Extended drought has depleted our reservoirs, and it will take multiple years of above-average snowpack and precipitation to reverse drought impacts.

Monitoring snowpack helps our water managers and partners make management decisions to increase our resiliency.



March 9, 2023

Last year there wasn’t enough water and now there might be too much!  With the weather forecasts we are receiving and spring being just around the corner, there is a potential for flooding.  If you are concerned about flooding or are in an area that has flooded in the past, we encourage you to do what you can to take care of your property.  Bags and sand are available for residents to fill their own sandbags at the following locations:
•	Dow James Park Parking Lot, 438 W 400 N
•	Elton Park Parking Lot, 491 Birch St.
•	Tooele County Location, 505 W 900 S
•	Park and Ride Parking Lot, 2400 North SR-36
Please bring your own shovels, funnels, and vehicles for hauling away your sandbags.  We request you only take what you need. There are message boards at those locations directing you to the location.  Please note that the fill station at the City Shops is not available at this time.
Huge shout out to Geneva Rock for donating sand!  Thank you!
We also want to thank Tooele County for their efforts to help in our flood mitigation efforts!


The Irrigation Company continues with the installation of water meters. The Utah State Government has issued a bill requiring all secondary watering systems to be metered by 2030. Our contracted plumber, LeGrand Jensen Construction/Weston Jensen is working to install these meters. The installation began in 2020 at 500 South and 50 West and continued North on 50 West. We currently have 154 meters installed in the system. At the Annual Shareholder Meeting in 2020, a motion was made to charge each shareholder $1700 per connection for those meters already installed and to move forward with the installation of more meters. Shareholders can be on a payment plan by contacting the office, with the minimum of $50 per month to pay for their meter.  The average cost will need to be reflective of the increase in parts, supplies and labor. Currently, the Company has entered into a contract with the State of Utah for an ARPA Grant to help pay for 300 secondary meters. The Board is working to fulfill the requirements of the agreement. The Company pays for the meters and installation, then those shareholders who have had a meter installed help to “reimburse” the Irrigation Company and to build up the matching amount for the next time the Company applies for the grant. Shareholders will be informed when their meter has been installed, or when they are in the area and will be installing meters. The Irrigation Company must have meters on all connections by the year 2030.  Each meter is read by a cellular signal. When the meter is installed and activated, shareholders will be given an account number to create their personal account on to monitor their usage. At the beginning of the watering season, shareholders are told their alottment for the upcoming season. The allottment is in gallons per share.

Here are some examples of the report that our office can read regarding the meters: 

Settlement Canyon Reservoir 1/20/2025

  Dear Shareholders, We want to let you know that Settlement Canyon Reservoir is now closed to the public. This wasn't an easy decision,...