Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Annual Notice 2012

Dear Shareholders,                                                                                                    11/01/2012


            The board of directors thanks you in your efforts to conserve water during this very dry year!  At the Board of Directors meeting held September 18, 2012 the assessment of $10.00 per share and $110.00 per connection was levied on the capital stock of the company for system maintenance and general operating costs.  Please review your assessment invoice to insure that all the information is correct and indicate any changes on the back of your remit slip.  Payments are now accepted on-line.  See invoice for details.



                You are hereby notified that the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will be held Tuesday, December 4, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium at the Tooele County Courthouse for the following purposes:               

1.       Approval of Minutes and Financial Report

2.       Elect one three-year Board Member*

3.      President’s report

4.      Other business


                Any assessment unpaid on the 15th day of January, 2013, will be delinquent and become a lien against the shares and accrue interest in the highest legal annual rate, which lien must be paid in full before the shares may be transferred according to the Articles of Incorporation of the Company.  There will be a $25.00 charge on any check returned to the Company due to insufficient funds.


                Notice is hereby given that Settlement Canyon Irrigation Company will no longer recognize leased water shares unless the proper paperwork is filed with the Company office.  Please contact the secretary for more information.



*Any votes of water shares done by proxy must have permission in writing.  All proxy information must be turned into the office at least 5 days prior to the annual meeting.


Camille Higgins


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